Duration 1:43

How To Write A Speech Paper

393 watched
Published 19 Jan 2022

Fuente: https://www.spreaker.com/user/findouthow/how-to-write-a-speech-paper What is a written speech? As its name indicates, it is a text produced by an issuer, in which a written linguistic code is used. That is, it forms a structure made up of phrases and sentences until it reaches the creation of a text that transmits a message or teaching. Find out more about how to write a speech in this podcast. Translated titles: ¿Cómo escribir un documento de discurso? Wie schreibt man ein Redepapier? Comment rédiger un discours papier? Como escrever um papel do discurso? स्पीच पेपर कैसे लिखें? كيف تكتب ورقة خطاب؟ 如何写一篇演讲稿? 如何寫一篇演講稿? Come scrivere un discorso? スピーチペーパーの書き方は?


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