Duration 1:23

Terminology nursing

490 watched
Published 4 May 2021

This is a video by- /c/Nursingknowledgeandcare Terminology work in nursing has given rise to an increasing number of nursing terminologies . These generally take the form of controlled ... Care of eyes Care of of nose Care of ear Care of genital area Heaith teaching Use of comfort devices Hot water bottle Pillows Cardiac table Back rest Bed cradle Foot rest Sand bage Air cushion Cotton rings Feeding Oral Nasogastric be insertion Pareneral feeding Gastrostomy feeding ,suction and irrigation Assisting the patient with urinary elimination Provide bed pan /urinal Condom drainage Perineal care Catheterization Care of urinary drainage Bladder irrigation Assessing the patient in bowel elimination Insertion of flatus tube Enemas Retention enema Evacuated enema Insertion of suppository Bowel wash Activity and exercises Range of motion exercises Active exercises Passive exercises Chest physiotherapy Positioning Dorsal recumbent position Lateral position Fowler s/semi fowler position Sim position Lithotomy position Prone position Trendelenburg position Knee- chest position Lifting and moving the patient From bed to wheel chair and vice versa From side to side Assist the patient in walking Restraints Oxygen administration Mask Prongs Tent Nasal catheter Suctioning Oropharyngeal Nasopharyngeal Chest physiotherapy and postural drainage Cpr basic life support Observation of i/v therapy Observation of blood transfusion Assist for collection of specimens Urine Stool Vomitus Aspirated fluids Sputum Swabs for culture Blood Perform lab test Urne-sugar and albumin Blood-sugar ( strip and glucometer) Application of hot and cold therapy Hot water bottle Heating pads Fomentation (dry and moist) Local hot bath ( foot,hand,sitzbath) Ice cap Cold compress Csponge Use of evaporation lotion Inhalation Dry inhalation Moist inhalation Nelson inhalation Electric inhalation Nebulization Therapeutic nursing care Hand washing techniques Simple hand washing Hand scrubbing Use of gown , gloves ,mask and cap Disinfection techniques Carbolization Fumigation Dccontamination of equipment and unit Surgical asepsis Handling sterilized equipments Sterilization of plastic wares,rubber goods,glass wares,syringes and needles,linen instruments Dressings Care of wound Dressing of minor wound Calculate strenghths of solutions Prepare solutions Care of articles pre and post-operative care skin preparation for surgery local preparation ofpost –operative unit pre and post –operative monitoring care of the wound dressing of minor wounds care of drainage application of splints slings and bandaging head ear eye jaws arms elbow hand shoulder hip and spica knee foot,toes,heels abdominal binder t-binder neck administration of medications administration of medications administer medications in different forms and routes oral, sublingual and buccal parenteral : intradermal subcutaneous intramuscular assist whith intravenous medications drug measurement and dose calculations preparations of lotions applications administer topical applications insertion of drugs into body cavity suppository medicated packing instillation of medicines into ear eye nose throat irrigation of eye ,ear bladder,vagina and rectum record date,time medication dose,route and sign care of dying patient observation of signs and symptoms of terminally ill assessment and meeting the need of the dring patient and his relatives care and packing of dead body handing over the body and valuables transferring to mortuary with proper identification terminal care of the unit #nursingknowledgeandcare#nursing


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