Duration 6:51

How to implement custom layouts for LWR sites

257 004 watched
Published 29 Jun 2021

The second episode of this series shows what you can do with standard layouts in Experience Cloud, and how you can build your own, custom, and accessible layouts for your own LWR sites using Lightning Web Components. Timestamps 0:00 Introduction 0:19 What are layouts? 1:23 Standard layouts in LWR sites 2:14 Custom layouts in LWR sites 2:47 Slots in Lightning Web Components 3:30 Building a custom layout Lightning Web Component 3:51 Accessible F6 navigation in custom theme layouts 5:09 Custom theme layout in Experience Builder 5:41 Create sticky footers for custom page layouts Resources Documentation: Create Custom Layout Components (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.exp_cloud_lwr.meta/exp_cloud_lwr/get_started_layout.htm) Connect with Salesforce Developers: Website: https://www.developer.salesforce.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salesforcedevs/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/salesforcedevs LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/salesforce-developers


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