Duration 11:8

Carl Roger's Self Theory | Theory of Personality (Humanistic Approach) | Vidya Venue

48 507 watched
1.7 K
Published 8 Oct 2020

Hello Everyone This is theory of personality by Carl Roger based on humanistic approach. Acc. to Carl Person's Self Worth is responsible for shaping up his personality and thus person behave in such a way as his self worth. Building a healthy self worth and thus healthy personality is dependent on environment interaction. I hope this video will give informative content. Other theories of personality Maslow 's Theory (Humanistic Approach ) /watch/sdV8PmAfJqwf8 Type Approach Theory of Personality /watch/4oipoY08qsN8p Psycho Analytic Approach to Personality /watch/4Q5T8R2qARkqT Self Esteem /watch/43JGdOS02z10G If you like this video make sure to subscribe the channel. I am a teacher by profession and a life long learner. I am here to inculcate knowledge which i learn throughout my life. Hope for the love and support from You all. Subscribe to the Channel /channel/UCU5JfT0p-GNSYBCXEWOtVEw Thanks #Theoryofpersonality #VidyaVenue #selftheory Disclaimer~The Content Produce by the Channel is for educational purpose only. The Pictures or graphics used in videos are for informational purpose not to harm the integrity and feelings of any person.


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