Duration 17:17

Assertiveness Skills | مهارات الحزم France

1 520 watched
Published 7 Jun 2021

In this video from @OrigamiBusiness we will discuss more the meaning of assertiveness and how to improve it as a skill to avoid being aggressive or passive. في الفيديو ده هنعرف إزاي نحسن من مهارات الحزم و معناها Video Content / Minute: - Introduction 01:01" - Definition 01:48" - Why it's Important 02:34" - Characteristics of Assertive people 03:53" - 5 Steps to improve it 11:56" Study Material Link - لينك شرح المحاضرة https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aoyUZUZefla1wueSgOE0QZyVhv5ea9kW/view?usp=sharing #softskills #assertivenessskills #khloudRadwan #personalskills


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