Duration 7:24

Recruitment & Selection (Part 5) | الإستقطاب و التعيين (الجزء الخامس) France

3 231 watched
Published 4 Jul 2021

In this video from @OrigamiBusiness we will start with knowing the competences in order to make a correct selection process في الفيديو ده هنتعلم مع بعض حاجة مهمة في عملية التعيين و هي إزاي تعيين الجدارات الصح Video Content / Minute: - Introduction 00:25" - Competency Def. 00:53" - KSA Def. 01:04" - Competency Model 02:59" Study Material Link - لينك شرح المحاضرة https://drive.google.com/file/d/1avYJe67vnpbzgfLYq4N4IVEkW0RL5ZzF/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A_yeZjfpCzfV-6CfZOEe11eLNgfMO-5P/view?usp=sharing #origamibusiness #recruitmentandselection #marwanmokhtar #business #humanresources #JobDescription #Selection #Competencies #competencymodel


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